Willem De Kooning

Maler, 1904-1997

"De Kooning war einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des abstrakten Expressionismus und gilt neben Jackson Pollock als Wegbereiter des Action Painting. In der Gruppenausstellung American and French Paintings waren 1944 neben Werken von Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso und Henri Matisse auch erstmals seine Bilder zu sehen, 1948 hatte er seine erste, hoch gelobte Einzelausstellung in einer New Yorker Galerie, in den 1950er Jahren begann seine internationaler Erfolg; 1989 wurde bei Sotheby’s sein Gemälde ""Interchange"" aus dem Jahr 1955 für 20,8 Millionen US-Dollar versteigert, was die bis dahin höchste Summe war, die je für das Werk eines noch lebenden Künstlers gezahlt wurde."


De Kooning, Willem

Dutch-American artist (1904-1997). Autograph letter signed. East Hampton, NY. Large 4to. ¾ p. With autograph envelope.
$ 3,143 / 3.000 € (72703/BN46705)

To Greenwich Village bohemian Helen Elliott: "I did not see Hans Namuth this week-end, ... and I would not want to loose [!] the chance ... I mean not to be in your book, ... I would certainly regret it alright ... With names, with people like Camus, Dostoyesky [!] W. C. Fields ... It is very nice of you to remember me, ... and it will be nice to see you again [...]". - Helen Elliott (1925-1990) is best known for her love affair with Lucien Carr and friendships with Jack Kerouac and Alan Ginsberg.

She has been identified as the characters Ruth Erickson in Kerouac's "Desolation Angels" and Eileen Weber in the expanded edition of his "Book of Dreams". - German-born American photographer Hans Namuth (1915-1990) was known for his portraits of architects and artists, notably a series of photographs depicting Jackson Pollock at work in his Long Island studio, which are reputed to have precipitated a change in Pollock’s artistic style. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Namuth photographed de Kooning and his work, most notably, his "Reclining Man", and chronicled his studio’s construction in Long Island’s East Hampton artist colony. - Written in blue ink on a folded sheet of lined yellow legal notepaper..
