Spanish surrealist artist (1904-1989). Autograph letter signed. No place. Oblong 4to. 1 page.
$ 13,098 / 12.500 €
To a friend with compliments on his article in Time Magazine, and offering him a chance to photograph his famous painting "Assumpta Corpuscularia Lapislazulina", a work of his "corpuscular" period which he considers historic and explosive, that is scheduled to be exhibited in New York at the end of the year: "Querido Amigo - Su noticia en Time muy brillante - A fines de Octubre se podra fotog[r]afiar mi 'Asomcion de la virgen' que sera expuesto fines de Diciembre en Nuewa York. Creo una oportunidad unica ya que es un cuadro 'corpuscular i explosivo' historico en mi vida [...]".
Further, announcing a letter by his wife Gala Dalí (1894-1982), wishing her to receive the same treatment as he does: "Si recibieron una comunicación bastante sensacional de mi esposa Gala le ruego que la atienda como a mi mismo [...]". - The "Assumpta" was exhibited at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York in 1952 and commanded a record auction price of 4 million dollars in 1990. - With a small marginal flaw not touching the text..