Bing Crosby

Crosby, Bing

US-amerikanischer Sänger und Schauspieler (1903-1977). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. Unterschrift. Hollywood. 4to. 1 p. Gedr. Briefkopf.
$ 476 / 450 € (89688)

An Paul Elbogen in Hollywood: „[…] Sorry to be so tardy in replying to your nice letter of June 30th. It was really heartwarming to receive your note and to learn that you found the picture so entertaining and so well made. It has received very good notices in most places where it has played so far, the only dissenting voice being that of the critic on TIME magazine, but he’s notoriously difficult to please. Seems to me like he doesn’t like anything very much except Italian movies. Our picture, the ,Man On Fire’ was a real pleasure to be associated with.

The people I worked with were all such cabable performers, and so agreeable in every respect, that the picture just flew by it seemed, under-schedule and under-budget. We are all so happy that it turned out as well as it did. The opening engagements, I regret to say, have not indicated a precipitate rush to the box office. I’m afreaid the people who follow my films are not too interested in seeing me maybe in this type of role. I don’t know, but we are all hopeful that word of mouth about the picture as it plays around will develop audience interest and stimulate the box office a litte bit. Everybody seems to like the movie that has seen it, so maybe this will come to our assistance. All we can do is wait and hope. […]“ - Der Film „Man on Fire“ wurde 1957 uraufgeführt und sollte keinen Erfolg haben. Neben Bing Croby spielten Inger Stevens, Mary Fickett und E. G. Marshall. Bosley Crowther von der The New York Times schrieb: "Bing Crosby has bravely undertaken a difficult and unattractive role in “Man on Fire,” a non-musical drama, which came to Loew’s State yesterday. It is that of a stubborn, self-pitying father who tries to monopolize his young son and prevent him from spending time with his mother, from whom the father is divorced...this is an honest, sensitive effort to show the grief that may come from a broken home and from the obstinacy of a divorced parent who doesn’t want to share the love of a severed child. It is a worthwhile and often sad exposure of what may happen to the emotions of parents and child when one parent acts immaturely. It hits a problem that can profitably be shown.".


Crosby, Bing

US-amerikanischer Sänger und Schauspieler (1903-1977). Portraitphotographie mit eigenh. Unterschrift. ohne Ort und Datum. 202 : 252 mm.
$ 370 / 350 € (96923)

Hübsches Kniestück von vorn. Mit seiner Bassbariton-Stimme wurde Crosby zu einem der erfolgreichsten Sänger des 20. Jahrhunderts. Bis heute hat er weltweit etwa eine Milliarde Schallplatten verkauft. Mit über 50 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren ist White Christmas sein bis dato meistverkaufter Song. Ab den 1930er-Jahren trat Bing Crosby auch als Filmschauspieler regelmäßig in Erscheinung. Bekannt und beliebt wurde er vor allem mit den Road-to-Komödienfilmen mit Bob Hope, durch die Crosby und Hope in den 1940er- und 1950er-Jahren eines der beliebtesten Komikerduos der USA wurden.

1945 gewann er den Oscar als bester Hauptdarsteller für seine Darstellung eines Pfarrers in Der Weg zum Glück..
