Swiss-French architect (1887-1965). Autograph letter signed. No place. 8vo. 2 leaves, plus two 4to leaves of typed letters to Le Corbusier (carbon copies, 19 April and 16 Sept. 1935).
$ 3,667 / 3.500 €
Writing to his "cher ami" Pierre Abraham (1892-1974), a French author and ex-aviation officer who in 1935 was leading the research team compiling the new French encyclopedia. Le Corbusier writes that he has received a previous letter, informs Abraham of a Paris address and travel plans to America ("Partirai le 16 oct. à New York pour 2 mois"), and mentions that he has sent the requested information and "3 photos de l'architecture". Signed thrice on the handwritten pages, with "Le Corbusier" signed twice on the first leaf, and "LC" on the second.
- The two typed letters, also from Le Corbusier, are both related to Abraham and the Encyclopedia, in which Le Corbusier evidently had some involvement, especially in acquiring material. - Later name and number added to margins of first leaf in blue crayon; a few faint smudges, gentle creasing. The typewritten leaves are on delicate paper, with some marginal chipping, and are likewise numbered..