Gaston Chaissac

Maler, Zeichner und Schriftsteller, 1910-1964

Gaston Chaissac war Autodidakt und stieß bei der Suche nach einer unverbrauchten Ausdrucksform auf prähistorische Höhlenmalereien und Kinderzeichnungen. Chaissac malte auf jedem ihm zur Verfügung stehendem Malgrund. Typisch für ihn sind einfarbige Flächen, die mit schwarzer Farbe umrandet sind. Motiv ist häufig das menschliche Gesicht, welches oft nur als Maske oder Augenpaar dargestellt wird. Neben Zeichnungen, Aquarellen, Gouachen und Ölgemälden treten ungefähr seit 1959 Collagen auch bemalte Objekte und Totems auf.

来源: Wikipedia

Chaissac, Gaston

peintre (1910-1964). Handwritten drafts in French for two different pieces, each signed at the conclusion “G. Chaissac”. 2 pages in 4, à l’encre violette sur 1 feuillet de papier quadrillé de cahier.
$ 2,891 / 2.800 € (26294)

The first describes a priest, Father Berletot, who entered the seminary at age eleven and was appointed as pastor of an important parish. This passage, in part (translated): “He deserves to be a bishop but a bishop is also a director and Father Berletot is too intellectual and too evolved to be a brilliant administrator. Rather he wants to be a senior priest because he could have a beneficial influence on the priests of his district.” The second text was published in the third issue of Centres, a magazine founded in Limoges by Rene Rougerie.

In part (translated): “My dream would be to be a count and have a county, because I'd rather not be count without a county…Being prince I would not mind either, a prince with a principality naturally. As I am very ambitious with a little principality of two hundred square meters I would be satisfied. Prince de Boulogne would fit like a glove and I would wear a blue Persian uniform with faux buttons to make it more impressive…My principality would experience everlasting peace because no one would want such a small field.” In fine condition, with a few trivial stains..


Chaissac, Gaston

French painter (1910-1964). Autograph letter signed ("g. chaissac"). N. p. 4to. 2 pp.
$ 4,646 / 4.500 € (45209/BN31483)

To the Parisian gallerist Jean Larcarde, announcing a "sample of prose" by his daughter that is written on the reverse in Chaissac's hand. Verso, Chaissac writes a long and digressive introduction, explaining that his wife taught their daughter how to write, following the example of Chaissac's sister, who had an important role in his education and "took the trouble to destroy in" Chaissac "the defective or local pronunciation" and influenced his taste in reading. He then talks about his sister's marriage into "a family of 'local-minded semi-idlers'", describing her husband as "the equivalent to the hats" that his sister "had worn in her youth" and alluding to conflicts with her mother-in-law and the unhappiness of her husband.

- The equally curious story attributed to his daughter Annie Gaston-Chaissac tells of a dream of "The little chimney sweeper" who turns out to be a tinker (French: rétamour instead of ramoneur). The tinker sets up shop "in an unpacking crate", taking what other people throw out, "only eats snails". In the end he receives "a jug and 1000 francs" and happily buys a "real wagon". - Traces of folds. Somewhat creased..
