George Catlin

Maler, 1796-1872

George Catlin war ein US-amerikanischer Maler, Autor und Indianerkenner. Der Großteil seiner Werke ist in der Catlin Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. ausgestellt. Etwa 700 Zeichnungen befinden sich im American Museum of Natural History in New York. Heute gelten die Werke Catlins als einzigartige Darstellungen des „wahren“ indianischen Lebens, bevor der Einfluss der weißen Kolonisten die Kultur der Einheimischen zerstörte.

来源: Wikipedia

Catlin, George

American painter, author and traveller (1796-1872). Autograph letter signed ("G. C."). "Monday evening". 8vo. 2½ pp. on a single bifolium.
$ 4,715 / 4.500 € (48382/BN30823)

To an unnamed recipient ("Dear Sir"), stating that he has been unable to see him and that he must leave for Manchester, and requesting that he not mention his name to Col. Sherburne. "Returning too late from Preston I could not reach your house on Sunday evening & my avocations since have been such as to prevent me as yet from calling on you. I leave at an early hour tomorrow (Tuesday) for Manchester [...] In any correspondence you may have relative to Col. Sherburne I pray that (though you are at liberty to make use of the information I have given you) you will make little use of my name as you well can, as I would rather study peace than war with such a person [...]".

- Unable to find a suitable market in America for his growing body of work, Catlin travelled to England in 1839 hoping to find a more receptive audience..


Catlin, George Lynde

amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Diplomat (1840-1896). Autograph letter signed. Stuttgart. 16.03.1881. 1 S. auf Doppelblatt. 8vo. Mit eh. adr. Kuvert.
$ 314 / 300 € (936495/BN936495)

Writing as U.S. consul in the Kingdom of Württemberg to Baroness König-Warthausen in Stuttgart: "Will Baronesse von König please accept the accompanying fac-simile of the American Declaration of Independence with the respectful compliments of / George L. Catlin". - The scholar and poet George L. Catlin hailed from Staten Island, New York. After graduating from Yale he served in the Union Army during the Civil War and worked as an editorial writer and columnist for a newspaper before embarking on a 17-year career in the consular service, also serving as United States Consul in France, Bavaria and Switzerland.

He also found time to write several books and was prominent in politics in Paterson, New Jersey. - On headed paper of the American Consulate at Stuttgart..
