sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Saché. 4to. 1 page.
$ 838 / 800 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Here are 3 checks which please deposit for me. Here, the weather has been quite good. But there was frost last night. I will have a show in Paris in 8 days or so. I wish I could show you our wine cellar here--it would warm your heart, & your belly. […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Saché. 4to. 1 page.
$ 2,618 / 2.500 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Please deposit this! How are you + Mary Louise? […]" - Calder added a small sketch of a hand holding a wine glass.
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. n.p. 4to. 1 page.
$ 2,095 / 2.000 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Will you please deposit this check for us. We will be up in Roxbury in fa few days come & [he added a sketch of a wine glass] […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Les Granettes par Aix-en-Provence. 4to. 1 page.
$ 943 / 900 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Here are 2 more checks - on a little bigger than the other. I have just spent 3 weeks in Paris filming my circus. I think the results will be good - but haven’t seen them as yet. We will stay here in Dec. + Jan., take a boat to Beyrough, Lebanon - to be there 2 weeks. Then to Paris, again. Wot a life! […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Saché. 4to. 2 pages. With envelope.
$ 838 / 800 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] About 10 days ago I had notice from Pan American Airways (Paris) that they had reimbursed me on a cancelled ticket for the amount of $ 756.51 which was sent to your bank. Also - 5 days ago I called Morris + McVeigh 60 Wall St. N.Y.C. to deposit $ 3,000. - with you and I have a letter from Caracas, Venezuela from the Ciudad Universitaria saying that $ 6,000 […] has been sent to my account (but I am not quite sure where) - Could you find out where it is for me, please. […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Roxbury. 4to. 1 page. With envelope.
$ 628 / 600 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] We are home again. UNESCO is supposed to send me $ 7,000 (to your bank) Please let me know as soon as it arrives or event if it doesn’t - in a week, or so […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Saché. 4to. 1 page.
$ 943 / 900 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] we hope you are both well. I take this means of sending you some greetings! We are all fine. And I will have an exhibition in Paris - Galerie Maeght - about Nov. 15 […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Saché. 4to. 1 page.
$ 681 / 650 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Anyway, a Happy New Year to you + Mary L. We had rafts of people (in 2 batches), including the 4 Rowers, who came for 3 weeks. Sounds like a multiplication table! […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Saché. 4to. 1/2 page. With envelope.
$ 524 / 500 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Would you please deposit this check […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. New York. 4to. 1/2 page. With envelope.
$ 628 / 600 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] I meant to deliver this ,in Person’ but never got around to it. […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Roxbury. 4to. 1/2 page. With envelope.
$ 419 / 400 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Will you please put these 2 checks in the bill for me. […]"
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Rome. 4to. 1 page. Hotel stationery.
$ 890 / 850 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Unkle Sam is being good to me, so could you please deposit this for me. We are having a fine time in Rome (I have a show) and tomorrow we go to Berlin - where we will have another show. […]" - Some wrinkling to letter.
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph postcard signed „Sandy“. Saché. Oblong 8vo. 1 page. Horizontal crease.
$ 419 / 400 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] I finished new check book + started in on an OLD check book. Please honor these. […]" - Picture side shows Tendrill 1962, Gouache.
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph postcard signed „Sandy“. Saché. Oblong 8vo. 1 page.
$ 419 / 400 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] Please send some check books […]" - Picture side shows Calder’s Liincoln Art Series.
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph postcard signed „Sandy“. Roxbury. Oblong 8vo. 1 page.
$ 419 / 400 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] send 4 small check-books to us at Roxbury. […]" - Picture side shows Calder’s Liincoln Art Series.
sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed „Sandy“. Saché. Oblong 8vo. 1 page. With envelope.
$ 1,309 / 1.250 €
To his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard: „[…] My tongue goes dry everytime I think of you. I wish you were here, that I could show you the wine cellar. But on second thoughts, it might be difficult to get you out of there. Thanks for your fan letter. When you go to Bridgewater don’t get confused aoubt the Brack-Water, on the bridge […]" - With a sketch of a check book.
American sculptor (1898-1976). Autograph letter signed ("Sandy"). Saché. 25.04.1966. 4to. 2½ pp. on 3 single sheets.
$ 5,760 / 5.500 €
To the French writer Jacques Prévert, mentioning the installation of his monumental stabile "La grande voile" in front of the M.I.T. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, announcing his departure for the United States on 5 May, and hoping to welcome the Prévert family upon his return: "Nous allons parce que ils vont deconné [!] sur un stabile de 12 m. de haut, que j'ai fait pour M.I.T - Massachussets Institute of Technology, à Cambridge Mass. (Boston) [...] C'est après ça que j'aimerais t'avoir ici - voulez vous, famille Prévert, venir un jour ou 2? [...]".
- With thanks for an article Prévert wrote about him ("Oiseleur de fer"), which appeared in February 1966 in Maeght's review "Derrière le miroir", as well as for a book he gave him: "Pour toutes ces choses je ne t'ai jamais remercié - alors, tout de suite, je te remercie!"..
E. Brief mit U.
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Alexander Calder (1898–1976), sculptor. ALS („Sandy“). No place, 7. V. 1974. 2 p. larger 4to. – To Nancy: „I have mislaid your letter with the request to Miró – but the point is – he will have a show in the Grand Palais, opening the 17 Mai [!], and he will be there. (I think you said you were coming to Paris about that time[.]) Much stronger than I with Miró is Daniel Lelong | Galerie Maeght [...] If you would write Daniel and tell him what I do for you, + ask him to propose what you would like from Miró to do [...]“.
Autograph letter signed ("Sandy & Louisa"), with a large pen and ink drawing, colored with red and blue pencils.
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A charming letter to James Reggie about returning to America after Calder's wife gives birth to their child which incorporates a whimsical detailed drawing. Calder's drawing is a figural nude portrayal of his wife from her knees to her chest, expectant with their toothed son, still in her womb, waving an American flag in his right hand and a French flag in his left. His letter is written primarily to the right and below the illustration. "My wife she has one, and, then, we will soon return to America [this in French], in May, late, or June, early, and we thought we'd stop off at C.S.H. and make Harbor Harris Hoopie for a day or 2. Do let us know if you [are] to be home by that time. This thing is due to explode about August, so you needn't be worried about any indiscretions on your premises. From N[ew] Y[ork] we expect to go to Richmond to stay until we hear the fuse sizzling. Our love to the Fleishies, and yo' mama & papa, an' yo'selfe". - Alexander Calder is best known for his original constructions of bent wire, metal, and other materials of two types termed by him "stabiles" ("static abstract sculptures") and "mobiles" ("plastic forms in motion"). - Light soiling.
Konvolut von 15 eigenh. Briefen m. U. und 4 eigenh. Postkarten m. U. an seinen Freund und Bankier Mr. Beverly Iszard. 4 Briefe mit kleineren Illustrationen.
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Fantastic archive of correspondence from Calder to his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard, comprised of 19 ALSs, all signed “Sandy” except for one signed “Sandy Calder,” dated 1953 to 1970. The letters amount to a total of 16 pages plus four postcards, all four depicting Calder’s artwork on the front; one postcard features a drawing of a wine glass and mentions gallery owner Klaus Perls. Three additional letters feature sketches of wine glasses as well, and all letters primarily consist of general content regarding finances and directing Iszard to deposit checks, with a few also mentioning Calder’s shows and exhibitions. A letter of November 28, 1953, in part: "I have just spent 3 weeks in Paris following my Circus. I think the results will be good—but haven't seen them as yet." A letter of October 7, 1963, in part: "We are all fine. And I will have an exhibition in Paris—Galerie Maeght—about Nov. 15." One month later, on November 14, 1963, he writes, in part: "I will have a show in Paris in 8 days or so—I wish I could show you our wine cellar here—it would warm your heart, & your belly." A letter of December 18, 1968, in part: “I am sorry not to have seen your gentle visage this trip, and to have [his sketch of clinking glasses] with you!” This letter is accompanied by the original mailing envelope, which is addressed in Calder’s hand and includes a sketch of a dancing woman. All together, there are ten original mailing envelopes addressed in Calder’s hand, nine of which include his handwritten surname, “Calder,” in the return address area. In overall fine condition. TO HIS BANKER CALDER, ALEXANDER. Archive containing 15 Autograph Letters Signed and 4 Autograph Postcards Signed, to his friend and banker Mr. Beverly Iszard, including 4 letters illustrated with small ink sketches, most concerning check deposits, most written from Saché, France. Each signed "Sandy," or "Sandy Calder." Together 20 pages, mostly 4to; condition generally good. Many with the original envelope. Vp, 1953-70 The letters: Nd: Asking after him and his wife, illustrated with an ink drawing by him, a sketch of a full wine glass. 28 November 1953: ". . . I have just spent 3 weeks in Paris following my Circus. I think the results will be good--but haven't seen them as yet. . . ." 7 October 1963: ". . . We are all fine. And I will have an exhibition in Paris--Galerie Maeght--about Nov. 15. . . ." 14 November 1963: ". . . I wish I could show you our wine cellar here--it would warm your heart, & your belly. . . ." 18 December 1968: ". . . I am sorry not to have seen your gentle visage this trip, and to have [his sketch of clinking glasses] with you! . . ." With an envelope featuring an ink drawing by him, a sketch of a dancing woman. [20 October 1970]: Asking to deposit a check, and inviting him to drink wine. Illustrated with an ink drawing, his sketch of a glass with wine dribbling out. The postcards, each with a reproduction of one of his paintings on the verso, one undated mentioning his dealer Klaus Perls.
Autograph letter signed „Sandy“.
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