20th-century French painter, collagist, draughtsman, printmaker and sculptor (1882-1963). Signed and inscribed head and shoulders photograph. no place. 390 : 295 mm.
$ 6,807 / 6.500 €
Large vintage glossy 11.5 x 15.5 half-length photo of Braque in a contemplative outdoor pose, signed and inscribed in fountain pen, "Pour Max Gelloquer avec mes amities, G. Braque.” In fine condition, with three circular spots of emulsion irregularity to the right of his head. A tremendous portrait of Braque, who remains rare in signed photographs.
Maler und Graphiker (1882-1963). Eigenhändiger Brief mit Unterschrift. Paris. 4to. 1 p. Blaues Papier.
$ 2,618 / 2.500 €
An den dt. Kunstsammler und -kritiker Paul Westheim (1886-1963): „Je vous envoie ici la photo du dessin que je vous avais promise. Je pense que cela ira très bien pour la reproduction. Vous pourriez peut-être pour le tirage faire retoucher la marge pour faire disparaître les éclats lumineux qui sont dedans, un ton presque uni serait je crois plus avantageux […]“
painter and sculptor (1882-1963). Exhibition catalogue, inscribed and signed ("GeorgesB"). N. p. 1 p. on 6ff. Printed wrappers. Small 4to.
$ 1,571 / 1.500 €
Apparently a letter draft, written on the next-to-last page (entitled "Notes"): "[...] Today 10th July in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred thirty four I told Tristan [?] that I would spend a weeks holiday with him [...]". - In pencil; somewhat brown-stained, cover rather browned and spotty.
painter and sculptor (1882-1963). Autograph letter signed ("G. Braque".) Paris. 08.12.1946. 4to. 1 page.
$ 2,618 / 2.500 €
To Mr. Caffola from the Galerie Roma about forged paintings of him: "Je déclare avoir recu du peintre Severini [i. e. Gino Severini] un tableau mesurent: 0.41m x 0.32m représentant un guéridon avec guitare et signé: G Braque Ce tableau ext faux D’autre part j’apprendre qu’en Italie circulent d’autres tableux de moi dans les cas donteux je [...]". - Expected folds; small ruststains and damage to edges.

painter and sculptor (1882-1963). Autograph letter signed ("G. Braque"). Paris. 4to. 1 p. The letter in the shape of a painter’s palette.
$ 6,807 / 6.500 €
To Blaise Cendrars: "Dear old friend. Your letters bring us great joy. It feels like they bring the sun and revive fond memories of our stay [...] The news is good; we’ve thought a lot about Mme du Château (Raymone Duchateau, who Cendrars married in 1949). We're happy to hear she's recovering and that you’re reassured. You must be pleased about Boulinguer [Cendrars’ recent work], it’s widely discussed here as the book everyone hoped from you. Here I am a champion (Venice), they told Marcelle I avenged Cerdan [...]" Written shortly after the 1948 Venice Biennale, where the author received the Grand Prize for his life's work.
Color postcard print inscribed of his painting "Musical score and Fruit" and signed.
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To Monsieur Lionel Ancona.
Autograph letter signed „G. Braque“.
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Autograph lettercard signed ("G. Braque").
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Autograph letter signed ("G. Braque").
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