Typograph, Graphikdesigner, Architekt und Bauhauskünstler (1900–1985). 8 typed letters signed („Herbert“). Aspen (Colorado). Zusammen 8 SS. auf 9 Bll. Gr.-4to.
$ 6,807 / 6.500 €
To the German painter Jürgen Claus (b. 1935), about his work, a film project, exhibitions, a revised manuscript he had returned, an interview, etc. „[...] the movie is a very sad story. it would take a long time to explain all the circumstances. but, in brief, atlantic richfield offered to sponsor the film by advancing the money, which the producer had to match equally. however, he used up the entire amount of $ 35,000 and has not paid the laboratory, has not paid all the people who worked for him, has not even paid his hotel in aspen, and does not answer the phone anymore.
we have secured at least the original film by paying what he owed the laboratory. now we have the film but not the complete sound track and the film has only been two-thirds edited. all together this means more money before we have the product and he was supposed to distribute the film. we will have to look after that ourselves. it is all in the hands of atlantic richfield who will now sue the producer and after that we will see what happens [...]“ (February 7, 1974). – On personal stationery; partly with punched holes at left margins (not touching text)..
Typograph, Graphikdesigner, Architekt und Bauhauskünstler (1900–1985). Eigenh. Brief mit U. und 6 eh. Bildpostkarten mit U. Aspen (Colorado) u. a. Zusammen 7 SS. auf 7 Bll. 4to und qu.-8vo.
$ 2,618 / 2.500 €
Herbert Bayer (1900–1985), Typograph, Graphikdesigner, Architekt und Bauhauskünstler. E. Brief mit U. und 6 e. Bildpostkarten mit U. Aspen (Colorado) u. a., 1970er und 1980er Jahre. Zusammen 7 SS. auf 7 Bll. 4to und qu.-8vo. – An den deutschen Maler und Medienkünstler Jürgen Claus (geb. 1935), u. a. von einer Reise nach Marokko: „The last market city before the desert is all pink and people wear blue in all shades. tomorrow we will see the camel market and start driving north again [...]“ (18.
XII. 1971). – „[...] the situation with the house is unpleasant although nothing disastrous has happened. here are beautiful days and still many flowers in the garden. but after the pressure it is somewhat a letdown in a vacuum [...]“ (1. X. 1872)..
Typograph, Graphikdesigner, Architekt und Bauhauskünstler (1900–1985). 4 autograph letters signed. New York, Aspen, Mailand. 4to. 13 Seiten.
$ 4,713 / 4.500 €
To Alexander Dorner (former curator of the Lower Saxony State Museum and head of the Kestner Society who was living then in Hanover, New Hampshire), giving some remarks on a book Dorner had written („The first part in general I find difficult to understand, partly because of the highly abstract language and sometimes the use of German words literally translated [...]“), making suggestions for typography and illustration, and recommending the publishing house of Auer at Bonn for publishing.
Typograph, Graphikdesigner, Architekt und Bauhauskünstler (1900–1985). 2 ms. Briefe mit Unterschrift. Aspen u. Montecito. 4to. 2 pp. Gefaltet.
$ 995 / 950 €
Beide Briefe an Mr. Vala in Wien: „I would be pleased if you would add a small work of mine to your collection and I would agree in your case to a monthly payment of 500 shilling. since I do not know whether you are familiar with the prices of my works, I am sending you a short list of small items. the prices vary sometimes wheather it is a newer or older work. my work has changed over the years and I should like to know in what period or kind of work you would be interested. perhaps you could point out from the linz catalog what type of work most interests you.
[…]“ - II. „I have a great surprise, received the monumental catalogue ,berlin-paris’ and I thank you very much for this generous gigt. the exhibition was mentioned by various people to me, but I had not seen the catalogue yet. it is a pity that further publication of the bauhaus book series has been temporarily stopped. I do hope, however, that the publisher wil be found to continue this series. about your question on printing the books in lower case, I can only tell you that publishers are too conservative to adopt this system. i even have difficutlies in setting type in two columns on the page in order to make reading of short lines instead of long lines easier. […]“.